Sunday, August 12, 2012

Just three days to go..

Seizures?  Yes.. but few and not as dramatic as they have been before..
Attitude? Yes... Man he has an attitude.  We don't dare turn the radio dial when he is listening to one of his songs..
Thought process? Yes... Cully shows a very good thought process as he finds new ways to get at us. His latest thing is to call me BRIAN instead of DADDY. Just cuz he likes to get me worked up.
GOOD NEWS !!!!  Dr Chugani has contacted us and moved his appointment with Cully up to this Wednesday. The best in the field will let us know where we stand and what we should expect. This is a big day for us.
The latest?  Cully is progressing well. Today he interrupted me and said "Excuse me... What is that?" as he pointed up to some decorations on the ceiling.  My little gentleman. Ya know... we do A DAMN GOOD JOB raising our children. We make our mistakes like everyone but these babies of ours are very much worth bragging about.We could not be more proud...  However last month when we caught Cully blowing bubbles in the toilet we did consider rethinking this for just a moment......

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