Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To Keto or not to Keto....

Cully getting VERY angry that the goat will not "MOO".... son, we need to talk.

  Call from Cully's team explained that his bloodwork came back with a genetic abnormality and that at this time Cully can not do the ketogenic diet. So once again we need to wait and see what that means, what can be done, and what is next.  The wait has nothing to do with anyone dragging their feet or ignoring us it is just part of the whole process and at least we have a fantastic team working to help Cully.  The geneticist and Dr Chugani need to meet and discuss what is going on and then we will be notified. There may still  be a chance for the Keto and if not that perhaps we may have another drug to try. The Dr has increased Cully's Onfi dose in hopes we might see some change.

 Seizures were back to normal counts today....  Sooooo glad of that.

 Todays "Cully fact of the day"    Blue crayons remain blue throughout the intestinal track to the diaper...

1 comment:

  1. TMI dude...TMI! ;)

    As for all the non poo related stuff...know that we're thinking of you guys and praying for wisdom, peace and solid answers.

    Give the fam squeezes from us.


    Danielle and gang
