Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dirty Rotten Stink'n Seizures !

 Yup, just had a bout of seizures again and these scared me a bit. The head nods down and is held down rather than a down and up like usual. There is also a bit of lip smacking?? or maybe like he is swallowing, unusual and new to us. After a moment with his head down he will look back up and give a little bit of a laugh or giggle *like an uncertain "hehe" as he looks at me. He definitely is aware of these seizures during and after.   And this lasted longer than usual too.

 NOT FAIR !!!!!!!!

 Going into my angry status right now and have no one to go after.

  Mum is laying with Cully right now while he goes to sleep. Tomorrow is another day.. But that saying is getting old.


  1. Trevy's lip smacking has always been associated with complex partials.

    If you catch a video clip and email it over, Dr. C's team is GREAT at helping identify the different seizure types. If you're morbid like me and want to know exactly what you're dealing with.

    Any variation in seizure presentation/type always ALWAYS throws me for a loop. Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually.

    I'm SO sorry. It sucks even more when you've had a bit of reprieve because your heart starts to hope a little.



  2. Sorry about this. Bethany used to have the lip smacking and pick at her shirt. Sometimes she would even try to take off her shirt! Now she still has them but they go right into tonic clonics. I sure do feel for ya!

  3. Thats great information and I'm glad you both shared that with me. I will certainly get a video of each of these different seizures to Dr C. We had these things go on all morning but the day seemed to improve. I hope you all had a good day.

    It's that giggle that keeps haunting me. He did something like that with the first few seizures but then it was a little more of a "boy that was silly" kind of laugh back then. The reason I can't let this new giggle go is it almost seems like a desperate call of help or to say "whats going on Dad?"

    I wish we were all closer and could get our children together for a visit to the Cider Mill. Sounds like good therapy to me.
