Monday, July 30, 2012

Good, Bad, and the Ugly.

We are back home from our trip. This morning we got a call from the neurologist. Cully has a form of epilepsy that is described as "Devastating" and I don't want that. Julie says it is described that way because if it is not treated right away the brain becomes damaged. The information we read states that about 10% of studies were tested without mental deformations to start. Basically linking this to mental damage but 10% did not have it from the beginning and the rest did? Well Cully is very smart. He is ahead of the norm for sure.
The neurologist wants Cully to start a drug which can cause blindness and I am not so sure I am ready to make that determination for him this soon in the game. Plenty of research to do before I can make a choice for him like that. Nervous now.....
I found several videos online of children with the same form of epilepsy as Cully and several had wonderful stories of complete recovery and I am willing to wager that will be the outcome for Cully.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention.... I got a ticket in Canada today.  So glad all the little ones were there to share this with me. I am sure they will never let it go too.  I was doing 25 over and owe $52. Don't forget this is Canada though. So that is like 12 over and like $2 And I do not agree. In fact Doug and I were talking about what the speed limit was and noted I was doing 98 (? KPH) in a 100 KPH zone just seconds before the lights went on.

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