Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Yippie !

Our big day..... Cully had a bit of a rough time with seizures over the last 24 hours. They were a little unusual as they were more of a "spacey look and a little nod". They were more frequent than we have seen in a while too.
Cully wakes up today absolutely crazy wild. Running all over and demanding anything and everything. This I wake up to after a 24 hour mind blowing migraine too.  We get to the hospital and Cully is even more hyper. In the doctors office Cully in just a split second pulls out most of the latex gloves, almost pulls the medical equipment off the wall, and in a blink of an eye removes half the contents from the assistants purse and tosses them.  This is not my usual Cully. But it was amusing to Julie just to watch me try to reason with a two year old.
So, the visit. I now know why another parent refers to Dr Chugani as Dr Rockstar. He was great. He introduced himself to Cully and within a second he and Cully had connected. Cully laughed and gave him eye to eye contact and even learned how to use the little reflex thing-a-ma-bobber on himself. Cully even tried to convince the Doc that when he checked Cully's reflex's that it hurt. Doc did not buy it for a sec and told Cully that and Cully let out a giggle.
The doctor said that Cully shows a wonderful response and his interaction is great. His thoughts are that Cully developmentally looks great and our focus is straight forward to **control the seizures. The truth is that the type of seizure or number is not what we need to worry about. We need to stop them period. So the medications are increased. He would like a PET scan done right away and we are in the process of that now. He noticed in the videos that Cully tends to have a one sided seizure which was of particular interest to him.
All in all it was tremendous visit and we are in great hands. A special Thank you to Danielle (Trevy's Mom) for communicating with us from the start when we were in such shock over Cully's diagnoses, and second for referring Doctor Chugani which has kept us at Detroit Children's Hospital and in the best care. Under the circumstances things could not be better.

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